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MBMikkelsen Holding

MBMikkelsen Holding functions as a holding company with main focus on Supervisory board assignments and as Venture Investor as a Business Angel and Executive or Industry advisor. My vision is to be recognised as the leading supervisory board member and Business Angel for organisations and companies that want competent leadership, active ownership, strategic development, effective execution and anchoring, as well as sustainable and measurable results.

My philosophy is based on excellent leadership, the ability to develop and execute the right strategy, ensure the best results as well as make sure that the necessary changes become anchored in the organisation. My belief is that the best leaders have the ability – again and again – to lead, motivate and drive an organisation forward to achieve the strongest possible results. This ability is an important part of their personality and exists above and beyond their technical and professional skills, education and experience.

MBMikkelsen Holding is based on my vision, philosophy and my many years in executive management- most recently as a member of the Group Executive Management at Tryg.

Martin Bøge Mikkelsen

Business Foundation


My mission is to be the natural partner-of-choice on a group executive management level, as a Professional Board Member, as a Executive advisor or as an active Venture Investor, with a focus on value creation through leadership, strategy, business development, IT, Digitization and human competence.


I create value because:

  • I meet people with respect, openness and honesty
  • I show initiative, share knowledge and take responsibility
  • I deliver solutions based on quality and simplicity
  • I create sustainable results


My vision is to be recognised as a leading Professional Supervisory Board Member, Executive advisor, and active Venture Investor for organisations and companies that want competent leadership, active ownership, strategic development, effective execution and anchoring as well as sustainable and measurable results.


Our clients’ experience must include:

  • Innovation
  • Drive
  • Value creation